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Make sure your service to others is not a covering for service to yourself!
Our influence rarely exceeds our experience!
Everything has a cost, but who is receiving the benefit and who is paying the price?
Your last decision is the model for your next one!
Suffering encourages a more excellent understanding!
Hope drives our future, but a life not lived to it's fullest has a greatly diminished value!
Our emotions are in constant battle with our reasonings!
It takes an exceptional person to "believe" and live by those beliefs, it requires little to have no values and to live by none!
Most great leaders are visionaries, the worst are those who raise themselves up by the failures of others!
Most great people have been helped at a point of great struggle, those who "expect" help will almost always fail!
Many will focus on distant goals yet will be unsure of their next step!
Watching a successful man will yield more benefits than dreaming in the clouds!
What we leave after us is what we truly were in this life!
Most will cry injustice when it impacts themselves, few will cry when it impacts others, the pure cry for the injustice done in this fallen world!
Each of us makes this world a better place, or a worse one, which is it for you?
or: if the world were filled with people like yourself, would it be a better place or a worse one!
We all practice little deceptions, some hide behind enormous ones, and a few live in a world perceived only by themselves!
One really good day will have a greater impact than a thousand really bad ones!
Most of us will be remembered for our greatest achievements or our greatest failures, those things which lie between are quickly forgotten!
A man will not reach for that which he does not want!
Having imperfections is certain, understanding and accepting them is not!
We always tell the story which best supports our current needs!
Double talk comes from telling half truths!
Having a good answer has little value till you have applied it to yourself, intentions have little value till you accomplish something!
Most will seem more intelligent when they have spoken fewer words!